Many people come for Alexander Technique lessons for help with specific problems such as poor posture, back or neck pain, breathing difficulties, osteoarthritis, osteoporosis and Parkinson's (Alexander Technique is now officially recommended by NICE for people with Parkinson's).
The BMJ has published research evidence for the effectiveness of the Alexander Technique with back pain. There is similar evidence for its efficacy with neck pain.
Good co-ordination helps prevent injury. Actors, singers, musicians and dancers often learn the Alexander Technique, in music and drama colleges, for this purpose. They also use it to improve their performance. It has also been taught at the highest sporting levels not just to prevent injury but to aid rehabilitation. Anybody can learn it. Age is no barrier, nor is existing levels of fitness. All that is necessary is a desire to learn.
Well Being, Happiness and General Functioning
Alexander Technique is not a treatment; it is an educational process that focuses on improving our general functioning. General functioning centres on the efficacy of our breathing, freedom of movement and postural support. By working with our general functioning in this way, we feel better. At the same time, we can help with many of the conditions listed below.
Psychological Benefits
The Alexander Technique's psychological benefits are less well known but are why some people continue with a life long practice. The benefits include being more able to remain calm in stressful situations and confidence in learning and changing behaviour.
Case Study
Colin's story, which you can read here in his own words, illustrates the interplay between physical and psychological factors that can occur when things go wrong in our lives. It also helps demonstrate the power of the Alexander Technique in helping turn our lives around. Not everybody will have such a long involvement with a teacher; some people need very few lessons – Colin's inspiring story gives a flavour of what is possible when someone desires to learn.